IMHO, "snake shot " is useful in dispatching the snake that bit you or your pet, for positive ID at the hospital.
In snake counrty, which is pretty much all the tropical and temprate areas on earth, I recommend the following:
Wear leather boots and long pants.
Use a walking stick
Look down along and to the sides of your path
Never step over fallen logs
Watch where you put your feet, hands and backside (unless you want to find out who your friend are...)
If you travel often into wild areas with dense undergrowth, consider getting snake-proof boots and/or chaps, or both.
Most snake bites in the U.S. are the result of deliberate provocation of handling by the victim. More here from
In North America, say from Mexico City north, the most venmous snake is the
Coral Snake. Its venmon is in the same family as the Cobra. It is also one of the most reclusive snakes in North America.