I agree. In fact, I think it is way past the time to abolish public schools altogether. It has become more of a self serving institution full of bureaucracy and incompetence that is becoming a tremendous burden to our society and our economy.

Consider the idea of actually incentivizing private schools to be competitive economically and academically. What a concept!!! As for ensuring they turn out quality graduates, what's so difficult about having a cert test for prospective private school grads, oh wait, they're doing that now in public schools aren't they, so I guess there'd be no difference. In fact, you could have a graduated testing process for different levels of competency, oh wait, they're doing that in public schools now, too.

Gee, then what would be the difference. I suppose if a private school doesn't graduate certified students, then they could be penalized somehow. Now that would certainly be different from the slap on the wrist that failing public schools get today wouldn't it. Yeah, there are penalties out there for public schools that don't "make the grade", but it is a wet noodle that has little, if any real impact on improving the program.

Then maybe you could do something tangible about school safety.

Until that time, we are stuck with incompetent administrators running obsolete programs with an egotistical and condescending staff that is all being grossly overpaid for their services. I realize this may not be comprehensive, but it is typical, therefore appropriate.

I have yet to meet a teacher in a public school that I could fully trust with a loaded weapon. I know they are out there, but I've not come across any. Most seem like "knowitalls" who increasingly offer up more opinion than substance in the classroom. In fact, trying to teach hunter safety/education to public teachers is at least as difficult as teaching it to 8 and 9 year olds.

That's been my experience anyways.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)