First off, everything I have every read says the Thompson was and is a nightmare to shoot.

MP5 is used by nearly every special force in the world. It is the No.1 choice for close quarters combat.

The problem with the SA80, was that it was never designed to be used in desert conditions. This has now (Surposedly) been sorted by the new owners H&K. It was a very similar problem to the M16, but no amount of cleaning could fix it.

As for the FAL, if only we could go back in time and make the sensible decision, if the French and the US want to use 5.56, let them.

5.56 round a man stopper at close quarters, have you read or seen Black Hawk Down? I think, I would stick with the FBI loads, in my MP5.

I belive the M4 is coming into use because of criminals using body armor, which would make the 9mm next to useless, unless they train for head shots.