The Compact rations (SP-9, BP-5, MR-8, Seven Oceans) are very hard to find here. The distributor in the US is Viking Life Saving Equipment in, I believe, Miami. I don't seem to have the address and phone number at hand, but I contacted them about the MR-8 and did not hear back from them in any useful way. The rations are made in Norway, and are more easily obtainable in Europe. The Seven Ocean rations are about the only item you can find here, and that's rare. The Seven Oceans (lifeboat) rations are also obtainable from Penrith or BCB in Britain. The BP-5 rations (humanitarian relief) version can be had from, I think it is, in Germany. I don't know yet of a source for the SP-9 (I guess this is military) and the military MR-8. I never experimented with the different ones to see what differences there might be; they are all made primaily of compressed bread crumbs and vegetable oil, plus some things to make compressed bread crumbs and vegetable oil more palatable. The ultimate source is:<br><br>Compact AS<br>Damsgardsgt. 143<br>Postboks 38<br>5212 Softeland<br>Bergen Norway.<br><br>(Softeland is a little town out from Bergen)<br><br>I have a little more information if you want, but I won't presume.<br><br>