Most bad dogs are bred by bad breeders and owned by bad owners. When a breed becomes popular, the puppymillers and backyard breeders start breeding every dog they can get their hands on. It all about money, and only money.

There are an enormous number of people who won't even attempt to control their kids, and people think they're going to control their dogs? Dream on!

Teaching kids how to act around dogs will never happen -- it makes too much sense. Parents think nothing of letting their toddler run up to a strange dog and grab it around the neck. If you block the kid with your body, the idiot parent gets offended and says, 'He won't hurt the dog'. HEY, STUPID! I wasn't worried about the DOG getting hurt by a two-year-old!

Children act like prey: they're small, they're fast, they make a lot of quick movements, and they make high-pitched sounds. They run in panic, encouraging even nice breeds with high prey drive to chase them.

And it isn't just the kids. Most adults don't know how to approach a strange dog, or one they don't see very often. The very first thing they want to do is to pet it's head, which appears as an aggressive move to many dogs. They don't know how to read dogs -- all wagging tails are not equal: there is a lot of difference between the full-tail wag and the nervous, uncertain tail-tip wag. Unfortunately, most people don't seem capable of learning very much.

The kids pay, the dogs pay, but the people causing the problems go merrily on their way.
