Here's an interesting
Article ( Here in Ohio, some courts have upheld the right of government to take you private property and give it to another private person or group (usually a company) in the name of "public good",
Example, you own 100 acres, you don't want to sell, but a developer convinces the local jurisdictional govt, they wish to put in a housing development. They will take you land (and will compensate you) and give or sell it to the developer. Since it is undeveloped lad, govt may give you 500K, but when spilt up, developer values the parcels for 80K a piece -- undeveloped. They split it up into 50 2-acre parcels now worth $4 Million -- undeveloped. Benefit to govt -- property taxes gained on 50 parcels worth 400K -500K (new tax base of $23.5 Million [assume average of $450K] ) each after house is built on it.
The hope is, I believe, Ohio Supreme Court is expected to overturn lower courts that decide that way.
Our rights are eroding faster than a sandy beach after a hurricane.