Hello All,<br><br>Been lurking for months, sending & receiving some private email with various forum members, and enjoying the online camaderie, finally overcoming some computer issues and posting for first time. <br><br>With reference to the Heinlein thread . . . I've enjoyed his and other sci-fi writers works since early school days, my Dad always had a full selection of books on our bookshelf at home and I find reading enjoyable, so it was a good mix.<br> <br>Additional suggestions for reading (at least from my end of the peanut gallery >Grin<) would be:<br><br>ALAS BABYLON by PAT FRANK<br>As I recall twin brothers growing up in the pre-mouse Orlando/north central Fla. area, one joins the military and is involved in protecting the country, the other stays at home . . . without giving away the plot entirely, they make a pact that if the military brother feels that things are coming to a disastrous halt, that he will let his brother (still in mouse less Fla >grin<) know so that he might prepare and take care of the immediate family. <br>A fairly good book that addresses some of the human and emotional aspects of this situation w/o going totally TEOWAWKI.<br> <br>Second suggestion (although not directly related to the Heinlein thread) is:<br>THE COWBOY & THE COSSACK by CLAIRE HUFFAKER<br>This is a great book set in the 1800's, it deals with horses / range cattle / travel / ocean trip / travel across pre-PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. Russia and some rather nice insights into humanity as well). <br>Nicely written from a first person perspective and just a plain decent book. Enjoy.<br><br>Regards, Comanche7