You've spurred me into coming in out of the dark - I'm a long-time reader, first-time poster on this forum. Hope I can add to the discussions. I've certainly learned a great deal already. <br><br>I'm a "Heinleiner" from way back. Check out Farnham's Freehold for Heinlein's take on survival in a post-apocolyptic world. Rather dated but some interesting ideas.<br><br>I must admit to being an apocolypse junkie when it comes to literature (call it morbid curiosity). I've learned a few things about survival mentality that may help some day. My favorites are Earth Abides by George R. Stewart and The Postman by David Brin.<br><br>I have to thank you for a posting some months ago where you recommended The Rift by Walter J. Williams. I found it to be a good read. Any other recommendations?