Reading that site, I found out why he is not liked as much over there... He was big in promoting the gun ban/confiscation they had over there, that just about eliminated all of the peoples guns.
That made a lot of them VERY bitter about him.
No ... thats not it. his stance on guns has nothing to do with it. Down here we have different tastes in TV than you guys in the U.S.
Steve's style in front of the camera is too in your face for most Aussie's. I'm not a big fan of his TV work, but I am of his other work.
He found fame in the US on the Discovery network/channel before he was well known across Australia.
He was very popular with the kids here, but most adults found him too much.
I support and agree with his conservation work he was doing, and I like his drive and determination. I dont like the way the media attacked him when he was feeding a croc with his son. I think it was a media sensation over a bad camera angle.
He was very tallented and knowledgable with lots of drive and it is sad that he is gone.
As to our gun laws, our government banned and limited quite a few of our guns, but they are not all illegal. They are however harder to own, and more of a hassle to keep on owning. There are quite a few restrictions like, Semi Auto is now banned, there is only 5 round max allowed in the mag etc.
They got rid of all the registered firearms that didnot meet the new laws, but most of the unregistered firearms didnt get touched.
They did this to protect us or so they said, and now that nobody can defend themselves and some types of crime has gone up, they want to introduce more restrictions and expand the ban to include other firearms that wasnt included in the previous ban.
So there are still some guns here and not completely banned like some of you think.
PS this was for you info, so dont turn this thread into a gun/political debate.