I'm curious about something. You say there are inconsistancies in my posts yet you don't mention them. I'd kind of like to know what they are. You say that people have done it but you don't think I have. I don't understand your logic. First of all, I grew up in the woods. Where I lived growing up, that's pretty much all we had. I spend alot of time outdoors especially in the summer when the reptiles are out of brumation so naturally I'm gonna learn some stuff anyway. Around here in the boondocks, everybody has some knowledge of the woods, I was just facinated enough to learn more about it. As far as your claim that I just learn everything off the internet without practicing it, what is the basis for that claim? At least what I claim you admitted yourself is possible and you even said many people have done it. I would ask you to at least be polite when you post. The gun probably won't prove anything to you or anybody else. If I posted a pic with me holding the gun in front of a shelter, you could just say that pics of people in the outdoors carry guns and that could be anybody. The particular gun I have is not a common one granted, but I'm sure you could find a pic of someone holding one with very little trouble. I'll have the gun in the pic but I will have a sign or something too so you know it's me. My screenname is something that you probably won't find a picture of. So I guess my point is, why do you people have to be so rude? If you know it's possible, why not give me the benefit of the doubt and hold the nastiness until you're satisfied that you are right? There's an old saying, make your words soft and sweet, for tomorrow, you may have to eat them.