Around here, there is planty of land to set up camp. I use wood to build shelter frames (fallen saplings, limbs, anything handy), then top it with boughs pointed at the ground and layered so that water runs down it, not through it. I just lay the frame in the crooks of trees and start stacking. You can make a shelter any size you want by just adding to the frame. If you want walls, simply slope it all the way to the ground. The woods are full of materials to use. Usually the smoke from the fire takes care of insects pretty well. There are those that do bite though. the fire I make is a relatively slow burning one although I do have to stoke it from time to time. At night I just bank the coals and use them in the morning to get it going again. I don't burn it all night. There's really no need for a fire al night, the coals put out alot of heat by themselves. Nothing to it really.