Everyone who has had first aid lessons will have heard of the phrase Doctor ABC...
Ive come accross many variations from people, forums and the latest addition from my Emergency nursing study book (that is the translated title). This is where it stands now... Too long to use effectively in an emergency for the first aider and IMO some factors overlap. Not practical but fun to write. Here it is:
D- dangers (to yourself and the patient)
r- response (AVPU scale: alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive to any stimulus)
A- airway
B- breathing
C- circulation
C- cervical vertebrae (the bones in your neck)
D- disability (control of neurolgical malfunction)
D- degree of injuries
E- exposure
E- evacuation
What do you think?
On another note I came across this site:
http://www.hostingphpbb.com/forum/index.php?mforum=escape292All about skills and knowledge in the outdoors... A good addition to this site IMHO (no worries I dont own the site). Check it out.