<br><br>Well, I've been wrong before. I've spoken to my wife about what things she would want to take. I was wrong about the quantity, and her attitude. Her response was similar to mine. Four things. Two books (one, her Bible), and two possessions, her hope chest and a wooden knick-knick that defies description (not the same as mine). The hope chest bugged me until I realized that everything else (my stuff, the safe w/ documents and the pictures) could be packed into it, and in event of emergency, the whole thing scooped up and thrown in the truck. I'll need a sturdy helper or a dolly to move it loaded, but one or both are usually available.<br><br>Dealing with the kids was not the nightmare I thought it would be either. Neither have really attached to anything that isn't either easily replaceable (11yr old--Nintendo), or small enough to fit in a pocket (3yr old--stuffed animal). I've made a mental note to pack things into the chest that could entertain the kids for awhile that neither of them know about--books, toys, games, etc. More mileage out of new unfamiliar stuff than with stuff they've played with thousands of times. <br><br>This thread has also alerted me to the fact that most of my individual preparations are either still just plans or are half complete. My PSK is being held up because I'm shifting paradigms, the 72hr kits are still incomplete, and a few specialty items wanted for my "bug-in" kit are still not acquired... money for the most part, the fact that I live in the sticks accounts for the rest. Limited shopping options.<br><br>I'm in for a busy weekend.<br><br>Take care,<br><br>Andy