1. dump the utility knife
2. add some tinder to go with the fire starting equipment
3. beef up your first aid with a few sterile pads, antiseptic, min amount of meds (see Adventure Medical .3 and .5 kits for example), sunscreen
4. take a first aid course (12+ hrs)
5. upgrade space blanket to heatsheet survival blanket
6. do you need both poncho and space blanket?
7. replace water bottle with lighter weight bottle or delete in favour of second hydration bag; add purifying tablets
8. map(s) to go along with compass
9. more paracord - min. 10' + dental floss/needle
10. add note paper/pencil wrapped with duct tape
11. add small amount of money
12. insulating layer in case of a forced overnight?
13. add some sort of food - trailmix or powerbar, hard candy
14. are you wearing your sunglasses and a hat? if not put in pack
15. informed someone else of your jogging/hiking route
16. ALWAYS bring your sense of humour <img src="/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />