The private land I camp on is family land. The owners not only know I will be there, they requested it. As far as leaving the city, I don't live in the city. I actually live quite a ways from the city. Of course the city I live quite a ways from is only about 5 minutes across and that's with bad traffic. Not much of a city really. No good stores so I have to order everything online or drive at least an hour to the nearest town that actually has something. The area I live in is mostly agriculture so there is an excess of fruit available (peaches mostly) even on the side of the roads. The biggest thing I have going for me though, is an abundance of waterways. Streams, lakes, rivers, we have it all. I have five large lakes within an hour of me, two major rivers, more ponds than you can shake a stick at, plus about a thousand streams and creeks. Having done my homework, I have found the most remote and hardest to get to places, made sure I could get to them under full load, and made notes on all access points so that if anything comes near, I will know it. I also have large enough repetoir of usable traps, snares and tripwire alarms that I can keep people at bay long enough to make my escape should someone decide that taking my gear would be easier than getting their own. I have numerous places to go that are remote enough that people shouldn't bother me too much. I know there is alot of public land around here that is pretty much unused due to accessability or cost of building poper facilities for a park. If the time comes for be to bug out, I have a strong support team that I can count on in any situation and as a team, we all have skills that compliment one another as well as enough gear to last forever. Plans are in place, gear has been gathered, and we practice our skills enough to keep us sharp. Between us, we probably have a couple hundred years combined experience living off the land with no gear at all. In fact, I have an extended trip coming up in a couple of days where we will be getting fun and sun in the most relaxed place I can imagine. I love getting out in the great outdoors and releasing all the tension of the civilized world. I can't wait.