Of the knives you listed, which have you used most? Which are the most useful to you? We've all got differing opinions because we all have different experience about what's worked and the types of knives we feel comfortable using.
I always have a locking folder available so I will always vote to keep the mini-RSK in your pocket (not in your pack). Of the other knives, I find strong fixed blades useful and Mora's not so useful. You may find Mora's useful and you'd save more weight by ditching the SRK. The SAK and Leatherman may be useful depending on which specific tools they are and how you use them. SAK's and Leatherman covers a lot of different knives/tools so we really can't judge them.
Why not list the knives/tools again specifying models and state why they are in the pack -- what you had in mind when you bought them. You should see the redundancy.
I still need to lighten my knife load, lots of redundancy.
Better is the Enemy of Good Enough.
Okay, what’s your point??