
According to my instruction booklet the reaction chamber holds about 1ml of water.

Once it's full, you shake it 10 times to create a dilute brine from the rock salt which is held in another chamber above the reaction chamber. The chamber holds about four lumps of rock salt about the size of a tic-tac each. This is not the most accurate measurement but when you subsequently hit the button to activate the unit, it will let you know if the brine solution is too weak. I assume it does this electronically, by measuring the resistance of the solution.

According to the booklet the unit ships with 45g of rock salt which comes in the little bag provided and this is enough to treat about 200 liters of water.

The tricky part is the reaction time. The unit is designed to run for four different lengths of time and produce different concentrations of chlorox to treat 0.5, 1, 2 or 4 litres of water.

One click (0.5 l) and it runs for 5 seconds, two clicks (1 l) is 10 seconds. I tried four clicks (4 l) and it ran for about a minute.

The batteries it uses are CR123's in series, adding up to 6v.

It comes with 50 test strips.