John,<br><br>Your experience re: lifeguarding brought back many memories. I worked my way through college lifeguarding at a planned community in Mississippi. I made many "saves" over those three years (I didn't finish my degree), most of them similar to yours. Youngin's were always getting in over their heads, pardon the pun. The most memorable one involved a full grown man in three feet of water. He had had a towel wrapped around his neck, was sitting in the shallow end, had been drinking, and nodded off. The towel was sucked into an intake and he panicked, pulling the towel tight around his neck, holding him under water. All he had to do was relax, he could have then unwrapped the towel and surfaced, but it didn't occur to him in that state of mind. I got there, saw the problem, and tried to make him calm down, but couldn't. When I tried to push him farther under to get the towel off, he started fighting. I'm 5'10" and 150lbs. This guy was 6' 4'' and 250 lbs, easy; I gave that idea up quickly. I seriously considered waiting for him to pass out so I could unwrap him and go from there, but a crowd had formed, and appearances.... I shocked the crowd anyway by flicking open my Spyderco and carefully cutting the towel at the intake. All of this occured in less than a minute, the guy was fine. He thanked me for saving his life by filing a complaint with my supervisor, allegeing that I had endangered his life by a: pushing him further under, and b: using a knife so close to his face/throat. I should have let natural selection work... Also, several of the old ladies present complained about the knife (an Endura), saying it was "scary," and that no one who would carry one should be working around "decent people". Fortunately, my boss was a stand up guy. He answered the first complaint by telling the clown, in writing, "In answer to your complaint sir, I have instructed Mr. Coleman to let you die next time." In answer to the LOL's (little old ladies) he asked me to see the knife, asked me where I got it, and started carrying one himself. Best boss I ever had.<br><br>Take care,<br><br>Andy