YES, you are.
Two hours in decent weather? Three people? Cell phones?
What do you expect; "Deliverance" type woodsmen? Yeti?
You've been spending too much time listening to the paranoids on this site.
Why not leave her, barefoot, in the basement all day? She obviously has no clue of the dangers out there and is totally incapable of protecting herself, even with help.
How dare you let her out into the world!

I'm just remembering the girl a few years ago, in the same area they were travelling who was driving a short distance in good weather, ran off the road, was pinned in her car with her cell phone...could hear the highway traffic and road crews working but couldn't attract any attention even though she was very close to the road down an embankment...that girl was on Dateline one night, after recovering from having both legs amputated due to that incident. Yeah, maybe I am becoming a little paranoid, but considering that I don't know the other people in the car well, and what their ability to handle various situations would be, and the fact that my wife is six months pregnant, perhaps, just maybe I'm feeling a little overprotective. I guess I'd just like to reduce the likeliehood that someone in my family becomes "the other guy". And my wife is as aware as anyone the dangers that are out there. It was HER idea to take the four lane route instead of the two lane that they ended up taken. And I'm sure that girl didn't expect to lose her legs when she was going to work that day. No Yeti, no "Deliverance", just a guy concerned for his wife and baby.
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)