Well, speaking as a father of four (oldest is 8), it is a bit intimidating to prepare and account for all the things that need to happen. Just water, for example. FEMA recommends 1 gal/person/day, with 3 day supply. So that is 24 gallons of water, just for 3 days. And, as we know, that is an optimistic assessment in some areas. Doesn't sound like much until you are trying to actually figure out where to keep it. But what about if we bug out? I can't keep much in the van, if preparedness/backup supplies encroach on grocery or packing space then I hear about it.

If your friend with 4 kids is intimidated, or anyone for that matter, hopefully you'll have a chance to follow up with some of the good recommendations from this thread. I've been slowly accumulating supplies, rather than all at once. Also, having a good plan is probably the most important thing.
It may not be our fault, but it is our problem.
-- Mike