To quote a favorite line of mine from a good movie, "Everyone gotta die sometime, Red."

There is nothing we consume, not even the air we breathe, which doesn't put us at risk in some way or another. Yes, at some point risk becomes unnecessary, which is one reason why I quit smoking cigarettes years ago. I dare say that working in Manhattan, and previously in Baghdad, I was and probably still am exposing myself to a relatively similar hazard. You do what you gotta do. If I am out in the boonies and I need to boil water, I will use whatever I have available to do it with. If that is a Nalgene bottle, I will take care, but I will do what I gotta do. Given enough time, I could turn a piece of wood into a suitable bowl to put my hot rocks in to boil water.

You can't hide from it all and expect to enjoy life, but don't go looking for trouble neither.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)