The Great Benzene Scare with Perrier about 20 years ago. Some scientist somewhere must have been bored one day and decided to chemically analyze some Perrier. This scientist made an annoucement that there was benzene ( a carcinogen) found in the Perrier! Millions of bottles were thrown out, because no one wanted to get cancer from drinking snooty water.

Later it was determined that the amount of benzene found was like putting a teaspoon of benzene in all of the oceans on Earth.

I have no expertise in these things, so I'm not jumping into the lexan debate, but the Perrier example just goes to show that one needs to scrutinize information and then make as informed a decision as possible.

And yes, I have some of that snooty water in the fridge at this moment...they're making it in plastic bottles now! Can't find lime though <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)