That is why this fool asks people who are in their field. It's amazing the people you get to know in a mulit-university/college town.

Everything I've dug up on my own and dug out of people indicates that so long as you keep your tempuratures sane, the amount of bisphenol that leaches out is almost undetectable. Now, I haven't read the report you linked to, so the quantity that has effects is so low as to be right at the detection threshold.

But odds are, something naughty was done with a nalgene bottle. Like the dish washer, with a very strong detergent, which greatly increases the likelyhood of bisphenol getting out of the lexan- I got lost as to the actual mechanism of this, it was over my head. Either that, or it is a contaminant from another source, like industrial waste that was improperly disposed of.

Ways to beat those are: hand wash your lexan bottles by rinsing and not scrubbing (just like a teflon pan) and if they get funky, toss in a denture cleaner tablet (just like a stained coffee cup). And put a carbon filter on your water supply.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.