There is no evidence whatsoever that "toxins" will be released in this process.

My friend, exactly what are your credentials to make this extraordinary, uninformed claim?

It is statements like this and the "junk science" comment above that prove that old adage, "there are no greater fools than people outside their areas of expertise." You are insulting and dismissing the work of people far more qualified than I'm guessing you are to comment on this topic.

There have been at least 151 studies just in recent years simply on the effects of bisphenol A in animals, including humans. Here's a particularly disturbing one:
  • Exposure to bisphenol A is associated with recurrent miscarriage. Human Reproduction 2005 20(8):2325-2329.

If you (or several of the other posters in this thread) think that is junk science, I suggest you try submitting a paper to a major peer-reviewed journal and see if your (no doubt in-depth and scholarly) study of this topic is accepted for publication. If you think a subject affecting much of the population of the planet is unworthy of study, then it is probably for the best that you haven't gone into science as a profession.

If you'd like to examine an academic survey of many of these studies, showing both sides of the issue, check out this report from the Endocrine Disruptors Group.

There is also ample evidence that leaching is increased with temperature in plastics, but I'll leave it to you to explore the literature on that.

"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading." Henny Youngman