1. OK I bought some Aqua Literz for my mobile water supply. One bag is in the car, and the other is for my Camelbak Motherlode, I plan on filling the hydration unit with the water, but stash the water in the bag if I need to get out in a hurry (fire, whatever). I inspected the contents of my bag today and one of the aqua Literz leaked about half way. The water smelled kinda moldy, and the other Literz, upon close whiffing, smell that way, too. I know they're supposed to be packed well, but becasue it's packed tight, have I compromised the integrity of the containers? The rest don't appear to be leaking.<br><br>2. I have commercial 2.5 gallon containers, with the convenient spigot under my bed, got about 10 of them. I don't jostle them or anything, but they are under my bed in 14-gallon Rubbermaid tubs. One of them started leaking and the container smells of moldy water. Is the rest of the water in there compromised? How about the contents of the 14-gallon container (another 2.5 gallon container, and about 8 cans of Campbells soup)?