My advice is to wait for the Ritter fixed grip, but in the mean time to to and order a mora blade (follow the Mora knives from Eriksson and Frost link) to get you through until Doug's knife is available.
Many really like the #760 (4" blade, $11), which comes in plenty of cool colors (I suggest orange or blue so its easy to find if dropped).
I have larger hands and prefer the #746 (4" blade, $14), though I like the #748 (5.75" blade, $16) better for food preparation.
For a bit more you can buy the #2000 (4.5" blade, $30) which is their version of a survival knife. But, if you're going to spend that kind of money though I might suggest you get Becker Knife & Tool BK10 Crewman for $40-$50. The BK10 is a great knife for the money!
Get a low cost Mora knife and save your pennies for Doug's coming fixed blade knife. You'll be surprised by how nice they are for the price.