There is something known as the "Rules of Combat." They were thought up by a Greek sqaddie outside the wall's of Troy. They are still applicable today. They are:

1) Always remember that your gear is made by the lowest bidder.
2) Train like you plan to fight (or Survive).
3) If your up to your eyeballs in Goblin's, your in combat.
4) When in doubt, use industrial strength deterrence.
5) Never get into a situation with someone who is braver than you are.
6) Priorities are man-made, not God-made.
7) A plan never survives the first 30 seconds.
8) If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid.
9) Only turn round to blow the threat away. Otherwise run away.
10) Always honor (i.e. Don't ignor) a threat.
11) Know the opposition.
12) Know when it's time to get out of Dodge.
13) Know how to get out of Dodge.
14) The important things are always simple.
15) The simple things are always hard.
Modify and prioritise as required.
I don't do dumb & helpless.