I keep my EDC bag strapped into the passenger seat so if I have the fortune to be able to get myself out of my car in an accident, I'll at least know where my gear is. Although I don't have a good alternative if someone is riding with me...

One thing we need to remember is, "can I access my emergency escape tools if I'm upside down with gravity working against me?" An accident would be disorienting to say the least, so it also has to be easy enough to use and find when you're not at 100% mental sharpness.

And practicing acessing these things is very important. In an accident we may be relying on instinct and muscle memory to get us out. I think of it like tying knots...you may be able to tie a knot while camping on a nice day or while sitting in your living room, but do you know the knot well enough to tie it with nasty wounds, exhausted with numb fingers and knowing if you can't tie the knot to secure your shelter you very well may die? As I have said many times before, if you have to think about it, you don't know it well enough. I may have to add that to my sig line...
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)