This is my modifyed survival tin. I decided to remove all the first-aid items, because I'm also building a small FAK for that.
(I'll post it when I'm ready making it)
I removed the tea candle because it was to bulky. It is replaced with a small 'birthday-candle.
Added stuff: 4 plastic-covered wire-ties, 5 Euro-bill, P-38 can opener, small folding knife (locking blade), 3m cord,
ziplock-bag and a better pencil. And finally: 2 HD sewing needles. <img src="/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Yes I know: I didn't replace that 'signal-mirror', but a proper one
would be to bulky for the tin (popped another one once <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> ) and I also carrie a small mirror in my EDC.
My old survival tin The new contents:

My Survival-tin contentslist:
1 survival instruction-sheet
1 whistle
1 ?signal mirror?
4 plastic-covered wire-ties
1m. Duct-tape
1 Photon II
1 button compass
7 wind/waterproof matches (with striker)
90 cm copper wire
2 glucose tablets
4 pieces emergency tinder
2 alcohol prep-pads (tinder)
1 folding-knife
1 P-38 can opener
3m. cord
1 birthday-candle
60cm. Trail-tape
1 pencil
2 HD. Sewing needles( finally found those!)
1m. sewing thread
9m. fishing line
1 fishing-kit
3m. waxed dental floss
1 flexible saw
6 safety-pins
1 paper-clip
1 ziplock-bag (quart)
10 Micropur tablets (yes PC2K, I've got them!)
1 magnifying-glass
1 flint/ hacksaw-blade (striker)
1 piece of HD aluminium foil
2 scalpel-blades #24
2 sheets waterproof note-paper
Comments please.