Andy,<br><br>The No. 1 Rule for all new scouters or parents of new scouts is never to believe the time estimates of grizzled, old, borderline-senile scouters: First, because the times are a fraction of the actual time involved; and second, & more important, because they have too much fun laughing about it (Tom: NYI, nyi, nuh, Nyi, nya.) ;-}}<br><br>The No. 2 Rule is to give as much time as you possibly can. It really will be well invested: First, your son will enjoy himself & learn. Second, he will grow into a well-developed, well-rounded man. You'll be able to help & watch # 1 & 2 happen. Third, you'll have a blast doing it. You'll never regret the time you spend with & on your family; only the time you spend away from them.<br><br>The No. 3 Rule is to listen to old, grizzled, veteran scouters, especially Tom, on all matters aside from their exasperating time jokes.<br><br>I'd say more, but I'm still learning. And that in itself raises another point, as I think Bill suggested: Take advantage of the adult leader classes. You'll learn a lot about the nominal subject matter of the class, but also the development & handling of children. In addition to BSA classes, I also learned a lot about that in NRA instructor & coach classes.<br><br>Best wishes for both of you.<br><br>John<br><br>