Andy,<br><br>Congratulations! You will probably enjoy it at least as much as your son. The other suggestions re adult leader training are sound. The BSA courses will help guide you as you spend increasing amounts of time with your son in the outdoors, as well as in many indoor activities. A common problem is the desire in each parent to step in and help when the boys may need to learn how to work things out for themselves. The classes will help illuminate those areas. Scounting provides a great opportuninty & structure for boys to experience the outdoors, learn, and grow into young men.<br><br>You may also find that Scouting entails a significant commitment of time. But it is a good investment. It integrates very well with other child-rearing duties. It is also an opportunity to spend a lot of time doing exactly the same activities as your son. That means that you can help & watch as grow up. And most importantly, it allows you to make sure that he is doing the kinds of things that he should and avoiding things he shouldn't be doing.<br><br>Good luck & God bless,<br><br>John