Outstanding!<br><br>>>> ... to my surprise and delight, actually enjoyed learning to tie knots. <<<<br><br>Don't underestimate the power of accomplishment and what it can do to boost self-conifidence. I have seen it time-and-time again in many kids faces. Learning knots and lashings, starting fires, learning clothes inflation for swimming merit badge, etc. Not only are these accomplishments a great set of tools they will carry for life, but the process of learning and adventure and self-reliance are equally important.<br><br>>>>The scoutmaster was a Godsend ... 15 rowdy kids<<<<br><br>That's a relatively small troop, which has it's advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, your small and flexible, and coordinating outings and advancement is easier. On the negative side, it makes it harder to be a "boy run" troop. It's too easy for the adults to jump in and set things right. The biggest accomplishment of scouting is developing leadership in boys. If you have a decent age spread in the troop. this will help as the older boys can mentor the younger ones.<br><br>>>> ...and was easily talked into becoming an adult volunteer.<br><br>Excellent! You'll be surprised on how much you'll end up learning too. I encourage you to take advantage of the training your Districy and Council have to offer. It takes an investment in time, but it's worth it, especially since you were not a scout as a youth (that's correct, isn't it?). View the Fast Start video tape ASAP and attend District Roundtables if you can. Then in the fall or next spring, sign up for Basic Training (formerly Scoutmaster Fundimentals). This will give you a solid foundation to help out the troop. Then later, after your a bit more comfortable with the program, consider Wood Badge, a more extensive raing program that requires several weekends of camping.<br><br>>>> ...I hope he sticks with it. <br><br>I have a feeling that he willl, especially since he's starting out on the right foot. I still remember my first day as a scout. We went on a five mile hike, I started my first fire with a single match and cooked my lunch on it!<br><br>Feel free to email me any questions.
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL