Bill and Tom and others I can't remember,<br><br><br><br>Rather than repeat this multiple times, I have chosen to post it. If anyone knows how to send a PM to multiple people at once let me know.<br><br>I finally got my son into the Boy Scouts. Soccer season is over and he finally decided to go. Following the advice of Tom and Bill, I found a local troop and off we went. The first meeting this past Monday went well. He knew some of the boys in the troop already, and to my surprise and delight, actually enjoyed learning to tie knots. The scoutmaster was a Godsend. He has been in scouts, in one way or another, since 1956. He gladly suffered/entertained the questions of both myself and my son, and patiently, but firmly herded 15 rowdy kids, and assorted parental units through a meeting and made sure they all learned something. My son was issued a piece of rope, a handbook, and a BSA hotspark. I was issued paperwork to fill out, and was easily talked into becoming an adult volunteer.<br><br>On a side note, my son and I experimented with the hotspark. I achieved success quickly (neat little gadget), but the boy had problems. We have worked on it every night, and tonight, finally, after the boy's idiot father finally figured out that eleven years olds have soft hands, and practicing on concrete was painful to boy MADE FIRE!!!!!! ER, ER, grunt, grunt, ah, ah, ohhhhh. I think I was happier than he was, and he was pretty happy.<br><br>I hope he sticks with it. Thanks again to Tom and Bill.<br><br>Take care,<br><br>Andy (still Wednesday)