In the U.K you have to have a rock solid excuse for having a fixed blade or lock knife in a public place. Which you have to explain to a Magistrate or Judge. If they don't like your reason, you are looking at a 2 year jail sentence. Which they are about to increase to a mandatory 5 year sentence. If you come up against a Magistrate or Judge who takes the line that no excuse is a lawful excuse then you are screwed. From our point of view that's a major problem. However, Spyderco have just brought out a knife calked the Uk Pen Knife C94 Clipit. CPMS30V steel. It doesn't lock open but the spring exerts 20lb of force on the blade so that it's relatively difficult to close the blade on your fingers. Outdoor Code sell them. Have a look at their website. I have just purchased one. I'll post a report when I have had a play with it. Anyone else got simular problems in their jurisdiction? (Not you JIM, in the Neatherland's every thing is forbidden - We Know!)
I don't do dumb & helpless.