The old "when in danger" quote is such a bad idea. I've long suspected that it was rather tounge in cheek from someone who didn't much like the clueless.

Running circles wastes energy. Running in rough terrain is a bad idea period unless speed is critical and only if you know the terrain- remember, fast is slow, smooth is quick. Instead, if you are misplaced, sit down and think.

Screaming and shouting might have a small statistical probability of attracting attention after the first few shouts of "Hey, guys!", but after that, it will reenforce the panic. Instead, listen to see if you can hear anything and THEN sound off. Or better yet, blow a whistle or at least bang some rocks together or thump a hollow log with your walking stick.

All panic and waste of energy do is make your mental and physical condition worse and suck up time that would have been better spent doing something constructive. If you want to teach kids how to be a sacrfice to Darwin, feel free. I'd rather teach them something useful. I think I'd start with "STOP". Or maybe "Don't Panic".

Or show them a picture Otzi, and point out that if they don't listen up and get thier brains in the game, in a few hundred years, if they are lucky, they might look that good. Then run down the list what he had, and what they have that is equivelent. Other than body armour, he had everything he needed on his last day.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.