Fist off, I want to say thanks to everyone here for sharing. I have been lurking for awhile and have learned a lot from this forum.
So here is my fist post.

Background: I am the Cubmaster for the local Cub Scout Pack and am attending our Webelos (5 graders) over night. I am leading the hike this Saturday and working with them on their Naturalist and Forester requirements.

Before the hike, I want to give a brief talk on being prepared and what they should carry.
Here is what I am planning to discuss but I am posting here for your comments if there is anything else I should mention.

-Rule of 3 (you can survive is bad weather for 3 hrs, you can survive without water for 3 day, you can survive 3 weeks without food).
-Water, try to take more than you think you will need
-SAK (must have earned the Whittlin’ Chip (a Scout requirement for caring a knife)
-a PSK (Whistle, band-aids, duck tape, mason string, a LED flashlight, safety pins, etc)
-hat and bandanna
-garbage bag or poncho
-go hiking with a buddy, two buddies would be better
-map and compass; know how to use them
-if you get lost, think S.T.O.P. –use whistle (3 blasts) use garbage/poncho for shelter, protect 98.6

Is there anything else I should mention?
Thanks in advance for your comments,