Well, I'm sitting here contemplating the pocket flashlights.

I just finished replacing the CR2016 batteries in my Ritter-yellow Photon Freedom microlight whose batteries had died. I'm assuming that the light got flipped on by accident while in my pocket.

First, changing the batteries was really a pain. Opening up the case was easy, but getting the top button battery out was like pulling teeth. I whacked it on my palm, then on the desk, then tried using tape to pull it out, then tried using a small screwdriver to pry it out. I finally got it out using the screwdriver.

I have a Arc AAA-P that has been sitting on my dresser for a few months. I chose to use the Photon instead since it was so tiny, but now I worry that it will accidently turn on again and it will not be working when needed most. I tried to put the lanyard clip on like describe by Doug on ETS, but it interferes with the split ring and hangs at an odd angle.

I suppose I could put the Photon into demo mode - also described on ETS, but then it won't be available for regular use. Sigh.

It may be time to start carrying the Arc AAA-P. I'm thinking trying to slip a plastic 1/2" end cap over the lens to protect it (if I can find such a cap at Ace Hardware).

Ken K.