Chris,<br><br>Answering your post below as a new topic.<br><br>Doug, I am renewing my long lapsed sailplane qualification. I am carrying my two pocket survival tins,a local Topo map,pocket food and my knife.I will be flying over pine forest highlands with extremely cold desert lowlands. (I'm just above Edwards AFB). My instructor 's idea of a survival kit in a sailplane is a hershey bar and and cigarettes! Weight is critical in this old swallow;anything I'm forgetting(aside from a propellor)?<br><br>The engine? :-) Seriously, given the area, I'd seriously consider one fo the small handled VHF comm radios. Getting rescued quick is the best survival solution and being able to communicate with passing aircraft is one way to do it. Lots of traffic north and south of Edwards as VFR traffic, and much IFR traffic go around that area.<br><br><br><br>Doug Ritter<br>Editor<br>Equipped To Survive