Robb,<br><br>I'm sure that Chris will come up with something better for the tiny tin, but have used one for awhile to carry around prescription meds (I've had a bad three weeks: I sprained my shoulder two weeks ago-don't try to catch a full wire cart when it falls off of the forklift. I threw out my back last week picking up a BUNGEE CORD--required hospitalization; DO NOT twist and bend at the same time, your spine will thank you. And just today I was back in the emergency room getting stitches--I broke a glass washing dishes). It keeps the pills from being crushed, and fits easily and comfortably into any pocket. <br><br>I've toyed with the idea of throwing survival stuff in there. A vial of potable aqua, a mini-fishing kit, a sparklite and some tinders will probably fit in it. I think a button compass MIGHT fit also; if I ever get one I'll let you know. The tin with the above mentioned stuff, and my EDC (extensive, as I have lots of pockets, and working construction, no dress code. My EDC was bad to begin with, got worse when I joined the forum, and gets even worse whenever Tom Ayers makes a post) easily exceed what I can carry alone in a Altoids tin based PSK. And...since it fits into a pocket so easily, I'm more likely to have it.<br><br>Take care,<br><br>Andy

Edited by Ade (06/03/02 02:51 AM)