I really like that line.

Thank you!

Anyone with bulging pockets should repeat that quote as they grab their EDC items for the day. If it's something for a "big emergency" you might consider moving it out of your pocket and into a backpack, pouch, bag, organizer, etc.

Yepper. I agree. I'm also tired of having pockets that bulge. I have found I never use most of the crap I carry -- with the notable exception of the personal size instant ice pack. That's a damned useful item. I have used mine when my wife has fallen as well as when strangers next to us have fallen.

People are amazed and gratified that I can deliver an ice pack to a strained ankle in seconds.

I also don't want to give up my leather gloves or particulate masks. That stuff lives in my shoulder bag anyway.

I'm giving VERY careful thought to what I carry now. I don't often use my Sliver Grippers, but when I need them I REALLY NEED them. They stay.

-- Craig