[color:"blue"] [/color] Hello to one and all...... I am Ponce and from Cuba therefore you will pardon my English.....this is my first post.
I have been getting ready for what is to come for the past six years and the first thing that I did was to get the heck out of California and move into the mountains or Oregon....I know live six miles from a one mule town ( to small to have a horse).

At this time I have three generatos and 150 gallons of fuel which I rotate all the time...... 500 gallons of heating oil and 50 gallons of lamp oil....... Mountain House food for two years with cans and others (sacks, packs and so on) for another 1.5 years for a total of 3.5 years.

Also have extra matirial in order to make home repair and a large tiller for food production....... also a lot of silver that will allowed me to survie for another 15-20 years in the comfort of my home.
Lots of alarms which are connected to the batteries that gets its power from a solar 115 W solar pannel.

Any questions please ask.......Ponce

"To be ready is not"... Ponce
"If you don't hold it, you don't own it"... Ponce

"To be ready is not"... Ponce