OK, as I've said before in other posts, I don't fish. I've gone fishing before, I know how, I just don't like the taste of freshwater fish. I carry the fishing gear in my kits becuase I just grin and bear it when I have to eat trout.
I was recently asked by a few friends to help them assemble thier own kits. Like me, they know how to fish, they just don't. I was thinking of something like this:

It's 2 #6 and 6 #10 hooks, 5 #3/0 sinkers (so claims the package), and a pair of size 12 swivels. I can slip it all into the vial, which is a 5/8 dram bottle. About the same size a .45ACP cartidge, or as big around and a hair more than half the length of an AA battery.
It would be given to my friends with about 30" of 20# test braided spectra line, same packaging I have in my altoid tin kits. It's shown with about 20 feet of 12# test monofiliment, becuase I had that on hand prepacked.
Do people feel that is sufficent?
My second question is, if that quantity of tackle and monofiliment is suitable for a PSK-class kit, what would they be willing to pay for this as module for a small survival kit? I can bang these out in about ten minutes, including the line, and I have a bunch of these little vials left, much more than I have teflon septas, and I was thinking of eBaying them as modules.
If I do, I have every intention of pointing out is a part of a kit, not a kit, that it needs other stuff. I'm broke, not unethical.