I like Altoids, very tasty.
This is usually in my slingpack, put I'll pull it out if I'm going to be someplace where the slingpack won't fit in. It fits nicely in my bag of tricks, now that I don't have to schlep the calculator, in my pocket, or in a SpecOps Brand X-4 pouch, along with a 500ml square Nalgene lab bottle and the PMK.

It's sealed with generic black electicians tape, and three ranger bands. It contains (by layer):
2x large eye sewing needles, taped to tin lid
~16" duct tape, wrapped around bit of plastic
12x strike anywhere matches, lacquered, in a carboard holder and zipper bag
2x alc. prep pads
2x tylenol allergy tabs
2x cotten balls
3x tinderquik tabs
18x potable aqua tablets, repacked and labeled w/ directions
10x immodium tablets, repacked and labeled w/ directions
4x medium safety pins, held by a small safety pin
~8' brass wire
P-38 can opener
utili-key knife/tool
mylar oven bag, trimmed, and binder clip
2x inextinguisable birthday candles
fishing kit (in the breath strips tin)
- ~30' 20# spiderwire fishline, on a cardboard spindle
- ranger band
- 8 fishhooks (two sizes)
- 6 sinkers
- 2 swivels
signal mirror (the white thing in the bottom of the tin is the backing)
How it looks when you first open it

And how it looks with everything spread out

I need to add a compass to this, but I have no idea how. This thing is ready to burst.
The cotton balls are in here for a couple of reasons. One, I don't have enough tinder tabs to go around with all of these right now, and two, they stain almost instantly if there is a problem with the repacked iodine tablets. I know, everyone is switching to the chlorine, I have my own reasons for staying with these.