Thanks for the true-life stories. Being relatively new to this, I'm still putting together my supplies and techniques and it's helpful to learn from other's experience. Thanks to all of the rest of the survival crew for your help as well!
Right now I'm not worried about make my kits the smallest possible. I'm trying to find the best gear for the prices I can afford. Being new, perhaps I'm focusing too much on redundancy. For example, I've got both a butane lighter and REI stormproof matches in my EDC. Next month, I'll purchase another fire starter (i.e., blast match) and move the matches to my BOB. My water and food stash is growing a few bottles and cans each month.
Although we may want to convince ourselves that we can get every piece of gear and become solely self-sufficent in every emergency, I believe that reality will teach us that we still will have to cooperate with others to survive a disaster. If I share these ideas with friends and family then we should be better equipped by pooling skills and resources.
Also known as BrianEagle. I just remembered my old password!