The Bahamas and Cuba come to mind.

Hey, -When Cuba ceases to be PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER., -I'd love to go down there to see and enjoy its Great Countryside, -in any event! But I can't while it still continues as it is, -and while my govt. quite rightly has a travel ban there. Dratts!

Similarly, -it then could be a Good to Great place, -to bug out to.Via boat or aircraft. But *not* before.

And parts of the Bahamas, -are less than 50 miles from the South Florida coast. Canada and Mexico are *not* our only, immeadiately neighboring countries.

Speaking of Cuba, -I think there's a lot to be learned about Bugout Seacraft, -from the many creative Refugee Seacraft that set out, -all these many years. The Great UN-Seawothiness of many such homemade craft, -notwithstanding! And so often done by complete NON-Sailors! But there's still a lot of useful tips here, -that can still be learned!

And in addition to Wind and Weather as someone mentioned, -Don't ever forget about Currents! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]teacher[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.