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#64306 - 04/19/06 12:17 PM No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
This is something I saw in the ETS news. Seems strange to me.


In an unexpected move, Altoids, the international maker of
the curiously strong candy mint, is threatening Equipped
To Survive Survival Forum members with legal action for
using Altoids tins as survival kit containers. Taking the
recent actions of the recording industry as an example,
where individuals were sued by the RIAA for swapping music
files, Altoids said that swapping the contents of their
unique metal tin - mints - for so much "outdoor twaddle"
amounted to a breach of contract. "The tin says Altoids on
it," said a company VP during his tea break, "not bandages,
flints, and fishing line."

To keep good relations with the candy maker and to protect
its patrons, Equipped to Survive has entered into a
partnership with Apple Computer to create iTins, an online
store where ETS members who wish to create an Altoids tin
survival kit can obtain an empty Altoids tin to use without
repercussions. The special iTins Altoids tins do not
include any contents information, so there will be no
conflict. New standard size tins can be obtained for only
99 cents each. Smaller sized Altoids tins, such as those
for the breath strips and chewing gum, will sell for 55
cents each. A portion of the sales price will be
contributed to the Equipped To Survive Foundation.

Talks are also under way with the Kiwi shoe polish company
and several tobacco companies to include their tins. The
iTins web site should be up and running by March 32, 2007.
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64307 - 04/19/06 12:22 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
hillbilly Offline

Registered: 04/07/03
Posts: 214
Loc: Northeast Arkansas (Central Ar...
check out the date on ETS news

#64308 - 04/19/06 12:30 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
March 32...... <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64309 - 04/19/06 01:27 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???

LOL....Is this for real JIM? This is too much...
So for all these years Prince Albert has been rolling in his grave. Sheeesh.

#64310 - 04/19/06 01:31 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
I'm afraid it is true. Fortunatly I don't use them.
(can't get them, and they ARE allowed in the Netherlands!)
BTW: they are also to small for my PSK. Almost can't get it in my own one-off tin, get alone a Altoids. <img src="/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64311 - 04/19/06 01:33 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
Tjin Offline

Registered: 04/08/02
Posts: 1821
ahem... kruitvat!
Xenos has a similair candy with a similair tin.

#64312 - 04/19/06 01:53 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
maar ja... Trekpleister, DA......
Those ones are far to small for me, My tin is just fine and I don't need onother one at the moment. I thought it was important because a lot of forum members use altoids tins for PSK's

Edited by JIM (04/19/06 01:54 PM)
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64313 - 04/19/06 01:57 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
Tjin Offline

Registered: 04/08/02
Posts: 1821
well they are the same as all these forum members use. Survival kits should be small enough or else you will end up not carring them, but large enough to carry everything in. The border is defined by personal preference

#64314 - 04/19/06 02:02 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
Yea, you can carry the best equipment in the world, but if it's to big, you won't carry it always. And just that time that you need it....... <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

I though that your PSK's and BOB bag's were going to change quite a bit??
If they are done, post it's contentslist and photo's please?
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64315 - 04/19/06 02:08 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
ironraven Offline
Cranky Geek
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 09/08/05
Posts: 4642
Loc: Vermont

Everyone, for the unintioned laugh at his own expense, I think Jim just made up. :P

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.

#64316 - 04/19/06 02:10 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
Tjin Offline

Registered: 04/08/02
Posts: 1821
yeah, but it will take awhile. As i have told you i have to find a 32 hour job for my study, which is in my case something with civil protection. This can take awhile before i get anything, been rejected many times already....

#64317 - 04/19/06 02:11 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
wanna bet??


In an unexpected move, Altoids, the international maker of
the curiously strong candy mint, is threatening Equipped
To Survive Survival Forum members with legal action for
using Altoids tins as survival kit containers. Taking the
recent actions of the recording industry as an example,
where individuals were sued by the RIAA for swapping music
files, Altoids said that swapping the contents of their
unique metal tin - mints - for so much "outdoor twaddle"
amounted to a breach of contract. "The tin says Altoids on
it," said a company VP during his tea break, "not bandages,
flints, and fishing line."

To keep good relations with the candy maker and to protect
its patrons, Equipped to Survive has entered into a
partnership with Apple Computer to create iTins, an online
store where ETS members who wish to create an Altoids tin
survival kit can obtain an empty Altoids tin to use without
repercussions. The special iTins Altoids tins do not
include any contents information, so there will be no
conflict. New standard size tins can be obtained for only
99 cents each. Smaller sized Altoids tins, such as those
for the breath strips and chewing gum, will sell for 55
cents each. A portion of the sales price will be
contributed to the Equipped To Survive Foundation.

Talks are also under way with the Kiwi shoe polish company
and several tobacco companies to include their tins. The
iTins web site should be up and running by March 32, 2007.

Still wanna bet?? <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Edited by JIM (04/19/06 02:14 PM)
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64318 - 04/19/06 02:13 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
I see. I'm sorry you got rejected, it happend to me to, while applying for the school to become a nurse.
I'm now going to do the MBO in Goes, just to let you know
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64319 - 04/19/06 02:35 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???

The Dutch army trains civilians to become MBO level nurses... have you thought about that? Just a thought...

#64320 - 04/19/06 02:37 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
ironraven Offline
Cranky Geek
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 09/08/05
Posts: 4642
Loc: Vermont
No, I miss typed. :P You made up for sticking your foot in your mouth the other day.

My bad, still half asleep. Seeing words ont he screen I ment to write, but didn't. The tea is sllloooooow today.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.

#64321 - 04/19/06 03:15 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
I think you misunderstand. MBO is the equvilant of High-school,
And what the army has to do with that? <img src="/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64322 - 04/19/06 03:35 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
jeffchem Offline

Registered: 04/12/06
Posts: 27
Loc: KY
I am looking forward to the strategic partnership with Victoria's Secret. Maybean EDC nighty or a survival bra! ha ha.

#64323 - 04/19/06 03:44 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???

Sorry mate, I thought you meant you were rejected for the School of Nursing - MBO level. So I thought, as you wanted to do that, maybe you could do it via the army?

#64324 - 04/19/06 04:02 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
If I did that, not the enemy, but my parents would kill me! And the army isn't something I would like to join anyway.
But you're right. I could do my training via the army.
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64325 - 04/19/06 04:06 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???

I understand your point.

#64326 - 04/19/06 07:38 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
joaquin39 Offline

Registered: 03/19/05
Posts: 149
Loc: Philadelphia,Pennsyvania, USA.
A survival bra could be a good and funny idea!

#64327 - 04/20/06 03:43 AM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
Paul D. Offline

Registered: 01/22/04
Posts: 177
Loc: Porkopolis
Depends on how you pack it.

#64328 - 04/20/06 07:15 PM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
Rick Offline

Registered: 11/26/04
Posts: 54
Loc: Baltmore MD
From this moment on, I’ll be taking all my EDC things out of my Altoids tin.
I’ll be keeping only used condoms in it from now on.

( Have I got a curiously strong mint for them ).

#64329 - 04/21/06 10:32 AM Re: No more altoids tin's for survival kits???
JIM Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 03/18/06
Posts: 1032
Loc: The Netherlands
hahahaha!!!!! <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
''It's time for Plan B...'' ''We have a Plan B?'' ''No, but it's time for one.'' -Stargate SG-1

#64330 - 05/31/06 08:26 PM Re: March 32 = April Fools!
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Also, March 32nd just happens to be April 1st, -or April Fools day. I also believe via the title of our newsletter, -our own in house April Fools publication and service, -that further such April Tomfoolery is going on.

Hypothetically speaking, -If anyone anywhere *were* actually serious about such things, -which isnt the case here, -my reply would be that once the purchase is made, -that one can do with the product whatever they want. (short, of course, of doing true harms, improprieties, etc, -I now so mention for completeness'es sake.). Also, -this includes the solution of just spray painting the tin's exterior over, after purchase, -if anyone ever wants to have a bird over such things! <img src="/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> [color:"black"] [/color] [email]JIM[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

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