"... if there are so many upstanding young people with morals and conscience, why are they not impacting those with none of those values?"

...Because it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so. After all, consequences for any risky behavior can be easily downplayed or avoided entirely these days, so where is the incentive for us to actually HAVE "morals" or "values" or even restraint? With all the opportunities to do whatever we feel like whenever we want, to do anything "old-fashioned" or "Puritan" like simply delaying or denying gratification is often openly ridiculed, which is incredibly hypocritical considering we're supposed to be so open-minded and accepting of other people.

Even with the non-criminal element, my generation has been raised with a huge sense of entitlement and very little shame. We've become so vehement in claiming our rights to liberty and the pursuit of our own happiness that we've neglected our sense of personal responsibility.

At least, this has been my experience.

And just so you know, if Everett's email address is any indication, he and I are the same age.