"...where is the incentive for us to actually HAVE "morals" or "values" or even restraint? With all the opportunities to do whatever we feel like whenever we want, to do anything "old-fashioned" or "Puritan" like simply delaying or denying gratification is often openly ridiculed, which is incredibly hypocritical considering we're supposed to be so open-minded and accepting of other people."

And most of this is from peer pressure, the leading cause of most of the crappy behavior displayed by young people. The kids smoke, drink, do drugs, act like animals, steal whatever they want, mainly becase they can't stand up against the unrelenting peer pressure.

It doesn't really matter how hard a parent tries to raise their kids right when they are attending American Public Schools. And, since their parents were probably dumbed down by the school system of their generation (same plan, different year), they may not even know they HAVE a problem. Lots of parents don't even KNOW their kids are blind drunk most of the time, or are using drugs, or are constantly shoplifting.

The American government-operated public school system isn't, and never was, a system designed for learning, it was designed for control. The Industrial Revolution had begun about 130 years ago, and the greedy ones were paying low wages for dangerous work and long hours. The people were ready to rebel and the leaders needed a way to control them. THAT'S why our school system exists.

The literacy rate now is far lower than it was 130 yrs ago. Back then, people could think.

Our government is limiting our rights daily, it spends money faster than most people think possible, it has put us heavily into debt, it has produced a trade deficit previously unknown to this country in 400 yrs, it no longer provides justice, it just enforces laws, and it screws up every single thing it touches. And you think it runs a good school system? <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
