Ah, different situation. Two responces. The first is that in a natural disaster I can go around or deal with minor trouble much better with a low profile. If I think there will be trouble the .22 can go in my jacket pocket with my hand on it, if anybody confronts me they'll get two bullets through the jacket pocket. Much faster then any draw from a holster and practically invisible. Second, in a strictly riot type emergency with no ancillary disaster I doubt there would be a reason to bug out. I know I can't fight through a riot. The first time I shoot someone everyone in a half mile radius will come down on me like a hammer. So I'd stay inside, shades drawn, black out curtains behind the shades and pretend I'm not home. If any body breaks in to find out if I have anything to steal, they'll get an axe handle to the head nice and quiet. Bugging out into a riot is bugging out into a meat grinder.
A gentleman should always be able to break his fast in the manner of a gentleman where so ever he may find himself.--Good Omens