I was playing around with the 2 Spark-lites I have and noticed that one was giving off better sparks than the other.
The first (Day-glo Orange) Spark-lite is from the Doug Ritter PSK and the second (Olive Drab) is from a fourseasonssurvival.com Fire Starter Aviation Survival Spark-lite kit that I bought from Brigade Quartermaster.
My question is this: Is the Spark-lite provided in the D.R. PSK the same ones that fourseasonssurvival.com sells or is it a different one and is there really that big of a quality difference between Spark-lites?
Four Seasons Survival Spark-lite kits To illustrate my findings I made several 3 second exposure pictures of each as they were struck. Only 1 picture of each is in the photoset below, because they all came out the same for the most part.
Spark-lite test